Privacy and Security

Protecting your privacy and security is a top priority at Heartland Bank. That’s why we utilize several layers of security features to ensure your privacy and security online.


Our Privacy Policy is available for your review.

No action is necessary on your part to limit the sharing of nonpublic personal information because we already limit such sharing.

If you have questions regarding the privacy of your personal information, please contact us*.


Heartland Bank utilizes several security measures to protect your finances:

  • Multiple firewalls protect our internal systems from unauthorized access.
  • We use bit Transport Layer Security technology, which encrypts your data so that it is unreadable as it travels across the Internet. TLS also authenticates the server with which you’re communicating, so you can be sure that your information is going to Heartland Bank and not to another location.
  • We utilize a "time-out" feature which automatically logs you out of online banking after a period of inactivity.
  • Only three unsuccessful log-in attempts are allowed before the account is locked. This feature deters and reports repeated password guessing. We utilize multi-factor authentication to keep your accounts safe.
  • Use the secure Message Center in Digital Banking should you need to communicate with us regarding your account.

How to Protect Yourself

While there are layers of protection in place at Heartland Bank, we can only protect your account against actions targeting the Bank. An adversary who gains access to your computer or to your username and password may be able to successfully impersonate you. Follow these safety tips to protect yourself from identity theft:

Card safety

  • Report lost or stolen cards immediately.
  • Sign your card on the signature panel as soon as you receive it.
  • Never write down your Personal Identification Number (PIN); memorize it. Also, never use your PIN as a password.
  • Never disclose your PIN to anyone. No one from a financial institution, the police or a merchant should ask you for your PIN.
  • Make copies of all your cards (front and back) and store the copies in a safe place for quick reference in case the cards are ever lost or stolen.
  • Always check your account statement and verify the amounts of your purchases and withdrawals.
  • Always take your card receipt. It may contain personal information that could be helpful to thieves.
  • If you don’t plan to include a tip on your card purchase, draw a line through the “tip” section of the receipt; this will prevent someone else from adding to the total.

Online safety

  • Never give out usernames or passwords. Heartland Bank will never ask you for this information.
  • Never send account information, such as your account number or PIN, in the body of an e-mail. You never know who could be intercepting it.
  • Beware of phishing e-mails. Scammers often send e-mails that appear to be from your bank or an online merchant asking you to provide your account information. These should be deleted immediately. Heartland Bank will never ask you for account or personal information in an e-mail.
  • Be cautious of email attachments. Many of them may be fraudulent and download viruses or other malware to your computer.
  • Before making purchases online, make sure that the site has built-in security features to protect your account information. Reputable merchants use encryption technologies that will protect your private data from being intercepted during online transactions.
  • Have the most current web browsers installed on your computer. Old browsers cannot protect you from new viruses and bugs.
  • Keep your anti-malware solutions current.
  • Check your accounts online daily to monitor for suspicious activity.

Mail and phone safety

  • Never give your account information to anyone claiming to be from Heartland Bank unless you initiated the call.
  • Do not give your account number or personal information (social security number, etc.) over the phone unless you initiated the call.
  • Make sure your mailbox is secure and promptly remove delivered mail.
  • Never leave outgoing mail containing personal or financial information in your unsecured mailbox. Deposit your mail in a secure, official Postal Service collection box.
  • Notify the Post Office immediately if you change your address.
  • Have your mail held by the Post Office when you are away or on vacation.
  • If you stop receiving regular bills, contact the company to find out why. Someone may have filed a false change-of-address notice to divert your mail and steal your identity.
  • Shred credit card application forms and financial statements before disposing of them.

Security Threats You Need to Know About

Tech Scams

This type of scam is orchestrated both internationally in large organized groups and locally in smaller fraud rings. A phone call is placed to the victim purporting to be support for their computer such as Geek Squad or support for a vendor such as Amazon. They request access to the victim’s computer and the victim has to authorize them access through allowing screen sharing. Once in, the fraudsters mirror the computer screen and display it to the victim. The victim then sees a deposit for a refund or fee crediting their account in an excessive amount as an error. The fraudster then tells the victim to wire or mail funds back to them allowing them to keep the original refund or a portion of the amount for their inconvenience. They often prey on the vulnerabilities and sympathies of the victim, often claiming they will lose their job due to the error.

Romance or Friendship Scams

Fraudsters are targeting individuals online. They do so through dating platforms and through social media sites. These may be individuals or organized crime groups. The fraudster will make a personal connection with the victim and make them feel valued and loved. Shortly after they will begin requesting support financially due to an emergency. Sometimes these are situations where they are “stuck” and need help to travel home or to meet the victim. Other times they portray a medical emergency for themselves or a loved one, telling the victim if you truly love me, you’ll help.

If you feel you are involved in one of these scams, take the following steps:

  • Break off contact with the scammers. In some cases, this requires a change in phone number and/or email.
  • Notify Heartland Bank. We are here to support you! We can help review transactions and assist with next steps.
  • Report the event to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). You may do so at the following website:

Felony Lane Gang

This large, organized group of criminals target victims all across the country, including here in Illinois. These thieves break into vehicles and steal purses, wallets, and bags left behind. They then use that information to either steal a victim’s identity or empty their bank accounts. The Felony Lane Gang got their nickname because they often use the drive-thru lane at the bank, where it’s easier to impersonate a victim and pass fake ID’s.

What to do if you’ve been targeted:

  • Immediately notify Heartland Bank. We’ll flag your account for anyone who attempts to make deposits or withdrawals from your account.
  • Cancel all of your credit and debit cards.
  • File a police report, and include all fraudulent activity on your accounts.
  • Contact all three national reporting organizations – Trans Union, Experian, and Equifax – and put a fraud alert on your name. This will ensure a credit card company has to call you before authorizing a new card in your name.

ATM Skimming

ATM skimming involves putting devices on ATMs that read your card number, which thieves then put on a blank card and use it to drain your account. Perhaps the scariest part of this crime is that most ATM users don’t even notice it is happening. Use this helpful guide on ATM skimming to learn more about how it works, and what you need to be on the lookout for the next time you use an ATM.

Credit Reporting Agencies

There are many services that offer free credit report checks to consumers. Checking your credit report on a regular basis may alert you to potential fraud being committed in your name. Unrecognized accounts and addresses are great clues that someone has and is misusing your personal information. Further, the credit reporting agencies offer a credit lock service. This service creates an additional speedbump to further deter criminals from targeting you.

Learn More

Make sure you stay informed about identity theft, fraud, and other privacy issues. The following sources can help:

Federal Trade Commission (FTC)

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)

FTC on Identity Theft

Reporting Identity Theft to the FTC

Heartland Bank Blog Articles with Helpful Tips

*This e-mail link is for general inquiries only. It is not secure e-mail. For your protection, please do not include confidential or sensitive information such as social security numbers, account numbers, etc. when using this e-mail link.

We're Here For You!

Our Customer Care Representatives are ready to assist you Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. and Saturday 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Give us a call at 888-897-2276.