Our branches will be closed on Monday, January 20 in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Please see our Holiday Schedule for more information.

Savings & CDs

Saving money is simple at Heartland Bank!

Find the Savings Account to fit your lifestyle. Whether you’re simply looking to save a little, or to build long-term savings using Money Markets or Certificates of Deposit (CDs), our accounts make it easy.

Savings Accounts

  • Simply Savings Account: With a minimum opening deposit of only $50, and just $25 minimum for minor account owners under age 18, it’s simple to save.
  • Capital Money Market: Earn higher interest rates while keeping money available. Combined with a checking account, enjoy the convenience of one monthly statement for both accounts.
  • Super Money Market: Perfect for bigger balances, it offers a tiered system of daily balances that rewards you the more you save.
  • Health Savings Account: A tax-free savings account for high deductible health plans designed to help you pay for qualified medical expenses.

Certificates of Deposit (CDs)

CDs provide a fixed interest rate for a specific period of time. The length of time can vary from three months to five years – you can choose depending on your needs. Deposit your money in any number of investment terms and you'll earn a competitive, fixed interest rate in a safe and secure FDIC-insured investment.

CDs are the perfect gift for that newborn grandchild or the soon-to-be college student. It’s even helpful for students about to graduate and enter the real world. CDs can also be used as collateral for a loan, allowing you to leave your savings untouched.

See our rate sheet for current interest rate and annual percentage rate.

To learn more about our Savings Accounts and CDs, visit any of our convenient locations, or give us a call.

We're Here For You!

Our Customer Care Representatives are ready to assist you Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. and Saturday 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Give us a call at 888-897-2276.